Walkenhorst Family

Walkenhorst Family

Thursday, September 9, 2010


A year ago, I received my Ph.D. in electrical engineering. It took me six years to complete while I was working full-time. I'm still not sure how I did it that fast. I feel very blessed to have completed it as quickly as I did.

I've been reflecting recently how nice it is to be done. I have time with my family, time to myself, time to exercise, study, play, ... and blog. Most of all, I feel a great sense of freedom without, what my boss used to call, that 'monkey on my back'. It demanded so much of my attention and energy that everything else in my life suffered. It was a wonderful growing experience for me to get my Ph.D. that way and I am so grateful for all that I learned struggling through those years, but I would NEVER do it again. :)

If you're thinking about getting a degree while you have a family, especially if you have to work full-time, think hard about what it will demand from you. Maybe it's the right choice - I know it was for me. But it will most likely be harder than you imagined. That reminds me of something my wife's doctor said when she told him she wanted to give birth naturally. "It's going to hurt much worse than you think." He was right.


  1. Brett,
    I tell everybody at work the same thing. It's great to be done, but if I had it to do all over again I'm not sure I would.

  2. I'm sure glad I didn't know how hard it would be at the beginning. How long did it take you to finish, James?

  3. It took me about 5 years after I finished my Masters. Like you I was also working full-time and trying to do school full-time.
