Walkenhorst Family

Walkenhorst Family

Friday, September 3, 2010

Behind the Times

I realized the other day that I'm getting old. And it's not because I looked in the mirror. I sat there thinking of how I am stuck in the 90s, maybe the first decade of the new millennium - how do you say that? Am I stuck in the 2000s? Or the 00s?

Anyway, I'm so old that my main medium of electronic communication is email! I don't twitter; I don't facebook; I don't text; and I don't care. I have started a blog, but that might also brand me an old fogie. I'm pretty sure I've forgotten how to send letters in the mail. That's a good sign, but I'm still woefully behind.

I don't own an iPhone, iPad, or iPod. I don't even own a generic MP3 player. I use CDs!!! The good news on that front is that I threw away my old cassette tapes when I bought a new car this year because that old car had the last cassette player we owned that worked. Whew!

I don't ever expect to catch up with the times. Like my grandmother, who was stuck in the 50s and refused to ever buy a touch tone phone (she only ever owned rotary phones), I will probably forever be stuck in the 90s. When email and blogs are relics of the past, they will be my only lifeline to communicate with others. I do have a faint hope of retaining the archaic ability of talking. Perhaps, when email and blogs go away, I can fall back on that.


  1. But I have a feeling you'll soon be upgrading with a shiny new Kindle... merry Christmas to you!! :)

  2. I'm almost sold on it, Matt! Thanks for telling me about it. Let me know how you like Dostoevsky.
