Walkenhorst Family

Walkenhorst Family

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Can We Have Christmas Again Sometime?

I watched a move tonight with my kids. My two girls were sitting on my lap near the end; I love that they love to snuggle with me. Someone in the movie mentioned 'Christmas' and my youngest whispered to me:

"We had a Christmas before."

"That's right, sweetie. We had a Christmas once. Did you like Christmas?"

"Yeah, I liked Christmas. Daddy, can we have Christmas again sometime?"

I promised her that we'd have it again soon. My other daughter overheard and informed her sister that we'd have Christmas in three months. The little one seemed happy with that answer. Those kids say the sweetest things sometimes.

Of course, after a cute conversation like that, Christmas is on my mind now. I LOVE Christmas time! I love the feelings that seem to be shared by so many people around that time of year. Something about that time is more peaceful and pleasant than normal. At least it feels that way until we're bombarded by advertisements and messages that tell us that Christmas isn't Christmas unless we spend a lot of money. And that made me think of a song that I think helps put things in the right perspective.

It might be a little too early to be talking like this, but I love Christmas and I'm ok with celebrating it in September. I hope you are too. Enjoy.

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