My third child ran about 1.5 miles this week at school in about 12 minutes. That's about an 8 minute mile. For a boy his age, that is pretty amazing! This is the same child who figured out how to ride a bike without any instruction. I don't want to pigeonhole any of my children, but I can't help but think this child is going to be very athletic.
His PE teacher was so amazed that he called him into his office after the run and gave him a free T-shirt. Apparently, no one his age ever runs so far in the allotted time. Pretty cool, huh?
HOLY COW! No way my oldest could run anywhere near that far in any amount of time! I seriously think that's better than I'd do! Nice work with the swimming and go "oldest" for the reading! Mine is just starting and that's an exciting stage too :). I've been a total blog slacker so it's fun to read little bits about your lives! Love you! Oh, and I'm super excited to see you soon. We'll figure out the details :)