Walkenhorst Family

Walkenhorst Family

Friday, December 27, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I love this time of year. It has been so nice to have some time off with my family, to relax, eat some good food (and some junk), play games, sleep in, and take the time to meditate and ponder on my life and the direction it's going.

My wife was really sweet and gave me a lot of nice gifts - more than she should have. I got some nice clothes, chocolates, and a flashlight for camping. As I thought about the gifts I received, I realized the only thing I felt a need to have were the socks she gave me. And I certainly could have bought those myself, but Emily and I have an unofficial agreement. She dresses me and I avoid stores as much as possible. :) So it was nice and I appreciate her thoughtfulness.

But the truth is, I don't need gifts anymore. I remember as a child being so excited for Christmas morning ... mostly for the presents I was going to open, not for the ones other people were opening. But there was the occasional excitement for someone to open a present I gave them. But this year, I noticed I didn't feel any excitement or expectation of gifts I would receive. I was just excited to see Emily and the kids open theirs ... hoping they would enjoy them and that we'd make some good memories with their help. So far, I'd say we've been successful. We've had fun.

I really love this time of year. I love the lights, the music, and most of all the feelings. Feelings pulled to the conscious level from happy memories as a child and feelings of goodness and kindness that seem to emanate from all around as so many people all around focus on giving gifts and remembering the great gift of the lifeblood of Jesus Christ.

I'm grateful to be in a position and an age where I don't feel the need to focus on receiving ... because I truly feel I have everything I need. Instead, I can focus on giving. Maybe that clears the way to focus a little more on receiving the one gift I could never give myself. I can focus on the gift to overcome the evil within me and around me and try to show my appreciation for the gift by utilizing it and being the best man I can be. Maybe that's what Christmas is about. Celebrating the greatest form of freedom we can enjoy, the freedom from evil, given to us by a God who loves us.

Merry Christmas, everyone!