Walkenhorst Family

Walkenhorst Family

Friday, September 14, 2012

Herbal Cleanse Update

As I discussed previously, Emily and I have been doing an herbal cleanse to see if we can't shape up these old bodies a little bit. The reason we got into it in the first place was to help me reduce or eliminate my allergy symptoms, which have become pretty nasty lately.

I started on a pretty strict diet several weeks before taking any supplements ... mostly to see if I could do it. The diet is intended to enable the herbs to do their jobs. If I'm gumming up the digestive tract with junk, I can't really cleanse my body very well. So, I began a diet of vegetables, fruits, beans, nuts, seeds, and whole grains and I found I was able to reduce my allergy symptoms dramatically - maybe 90% - by eliminating certain foods. After experimenting a little, I think dairy is the biggest culprit.

Dairy - it tastes great, but it's killin' me

Since I started the herbs, though, some weird things have been happening. I reported in the previous post that I had done a sinus cleanse and all my old sinus problems seemed to come back with a vengeance before going away ... well, it seems that a detox hurts before it helps. The toxins hurt on the way in, impair you while you store them, and they hurt on the way out. The first thing I noticed was a few small nodules on my skin that seemed to be holding something that wanted out. They weren't large and it wasn't disgusting - sort of like small zits - but they erupted in several places, localized in parts of my arms and legs.

A week or two into it, I noticed a couple of warts appearing in the exact same places where I had had warts previously. It seems the herbs were encouraging the viruses to exit the body ... and they did. They're gone now.

About a week ago, I got a couple of cold sores in my mouth. Very painful ones. One was a nodule on the tip of my tongue that hurt a lot more than its small size would have suggested. Another on my cheek that started out as a big open sore - it's still there. Not quite as open, but it hurts.

I think my weight has stabilized. Hopefully no more weight loss; I can't really afford it. I have cheated on the diet and eaten meat several times and I think that has helped me stabilize my weight. When I'm traveling for work like I was this last week, it's hard to stay off meat completely, but I think I can get by with one or two meat dishes a week and still be cleansing pretty well.

Exactly one week ago, I started to feel congestion building, a bit of post-nasal drip. And I thought - 'oh great; it's cleansing the sinuses', but it turned out to be a cold. I don't know whether a cold virus can lie dormant in the body or not - I'm thinking I may have simply caught the cold - but maybe it's related to the herbs ...

In general, I feel healthier than normal and I think these herbs are doing good things for me. I'm sure the improved diet has done wonderful things for me. We are finishing week 5 of 8, so three more weeks to go. I'm sure I'll post more fun developments as I finish this 8 week course. Wish me luck!


We went on a road trip to Colorado recently. Along the way, we made our mark. If you see one of these, you'll know where it came from.

It's not a crazy attempt to take over the world. Hopefully the heart makes that self evident. Along the way, we made some friends,

went hiking,

 enjoyed beautiful views,

befriended wildlife,

went swimming,

and had a GREAT time!

I hope you and your family had some good summer fun too.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Ode to Fergus

We have a psychotic mutt named Fergus whom, for some reason, we really love. Sometimes we're tempted to kill him, but I guess that's what family is all about. :)

Here's a picture the girls asked me to take. They really like him.

He's pretty cute the way he finds odd ways to relax. Here's a candid shot that is fairly typical of his habit of finding uncomfortable ways to be comfortable.

He's strange, which probably explains why we love him. He fits right in.