Walkenhorst Family

Walkenhorst Family

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I learned recently of a couple we have known for years who got a divorce a couple months ago. Obviously we're not really close, so it didn't hurt a lot to hear about it, but it was a bit shocking.

It's strange to see that happen. Emily and I have seen some of our friends and acquaintances dissolve their marriages in recent years and although I don't judge the participants for ending their marriages, it still strikes me as sad every time I hear of it happening. I've learned how hard marriage can be and I wouldn't judge anyone for failing to keep their marriage alive. Still, I have a feeling that many of these marriages could be preserved if the participants worked and sacrificed to make it work. I think maybe our society has made it so easy to dissolve a marriage that when things get tough (and they always do), it's easy for the couple to say "well, we tried" and give up.

I know it's hellish to be in a relationship that has gone sour, but having been through hell once or twice and finding my relationship with my wife even sweeter than it was before ... it's worth paying the price.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Eleven eleven eleven

A couple hours ago, it was 11:11 (eleventy-eleven) on the 11th day of the 11th month of 2011. And I missed it! Luckily, I'll get another chance to enjoy the moment tonight.

There must be some mystical significant in this happy circumstance. A good omen. I see happy times ahead. At least until 11:12.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


I went running this morning and, according to my low-quality GPS from my iPod, I ran 2.5 miles with an average 7.5 minute mile. That's pretty good for a desk-bound engineer like me!

I've never been a great runner, but to rehabilitate my ankle, which I broke in January, my orthopedist recommended running as the best exercise to get my flexibility and strength back. So over the last 3 months, I've been slowly building up to about five miles per week. I've noticed a significant improvement in the ankle, so the doc's prescription is working.

I ran with my third son at a mile-run that his school did last Saturday. We crossed the finish line at the same time, but I couldn't believe how much I hurt. He gave it his best and he was hurting too, so I felt ok that I kept up with him, but when that kid grows up, he's going to leave me in the dust. He has been known to run an 8 minute mile. At his age, that is pretty amazing. Saturday, he started off sprinting (I sprinted with him, which was a BAD idea) and we did it in about 9 minutes.

A few weeks ago, we heard of a teenage boy at church who runs about a 4:32 mile. I just about fell on the floor. This is a high schooler! I think my time in high school was usually around 7 minutes, maybe a little faster, but I'm pretty sure I never broke 6 minutes. Good thing I have other talents. I like having the opportunity to run and keep in shape, but I don't think I'll ever be a great runner. I'll leave that to my son and our teenage friend.