Walkenhorst Family

Walkenhorst Family

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Death at 31

I recently read an article by a young man who had been diagnosed with cancer. He had weeks to live when he wrote the article. He shares some lessons he has learned along the way, and I think those lessons are worth sharing further.

1. "Gratitude" - in the midst of a challenging time with mental and physical ups and downs, he found solace in remembering his friends and family, the good times he shared with them, and the privileges he has had in life.

2. "A life, if lived well, is long enough" - this man knew he was close to death, but he wasn't bemoaning the fact that his life was being cut short. He was at peace knowing he had made the most of the time he had.

3. "Be vulnerable and connect with others" - vulnerability seems like a weakness, but it's probably the opposite. It's the best way to authentically connect with others, something that brings us some of the greatest joys we can experience in life.

4. "Do something for others" - another way we experience deep joy.

5. "Protect the planet" - this guy had done a lot of traveling and had seen some amazing places. He was inspired by the natural beauty of the world, but felt we need to do a better job of protecting our natural home. This seems like a subset of #4, but it's an important one.

The man's name was Elliot Dallen, and he died on September 7, 2020, the day after his article was published. The article is worth reading. Life becomes more precious when we realize how little life we have left. Elliot sensed that, and his writing brought out life's beauty while squarely facing the difficulties of his situation. If you have about 5 or 10 minutes to spare, please take a look. I think you'll be happy you did.

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