Walkenhorst Family

Walkenhorst Family

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Life Changes

Life has taken some unexpected turns in the last couple of years. It has kept me busy enough that I haven't had the presence of mind to write in this blog for a LONG time. In just over 2 years, I have gone through three job changes, and we moved our family from Georgia (where we had lived for 18 years) to Arizona.

The changes have been good, and we're enjoying our new home. We have all made new friends, and the kids are doing really well with the transition. We left our oldest in Georgia where he's going to college, and our second child is living at home while attending college nearby. The younger two are in high school and stay incredibly busy with friends, school, and extracurricular stuff.

Each job has taught me a lot, and I'm grateful I've had each opportunity. I never intended to change jobs so quickly, but for different reasons, each change seemed like the right thing to do at the time. I started my current job about a month ago, and I'm really excited about the opportunity. It's a startup, and the company is poised for growth, so things are getting exciting there.

I'm really glad I learned to meditate several years ago. My practice has been really grounding for me and has helped me to meet these changes with stability of mind. I've realized more and more how little control I have over my life's course. I think my meditation practice has also helped me to let go of the illusion of control and the need to control.

Life is funny. It's unexpected. It's always surprising me and teaching me. And it's a really fun ride.

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