Walkenhorst Family

Walkenhorst Family

Friday, September 18, 2020

Honest, Wise Men

In LDS scripture, a revelation is recorded as received by Joseph Smith, the Church's founder. In speaking of government leaders, the revelation states (D&C 98:10):

honest men and wise men should be sought for diligently, and good men and wise men ye should observe to uphold

I don't normally talk about politics, but I'm interested in hearing peoples' opinions on something.

I have been wondering at the support I have seen for President Trump among LDS friends. In light of the scripture above, I would think that for faithful LDS people, a person's character would be a critical factor in deciding who to support. And from what I can see, many people supporting Trump seem to be holding their noses while voting for him because they know he's not a good man. They admit his character is poor but believe he will support certain principles and policies they favor.

I wonder if I'm reading this right. I know I don't typically get feedback on my blog, and it's ok if I don't get a response here, but I'd like to hear from you on this. Are you LDS? Do you support Trump? If so, how do you reconcile that support with the scripture above?

Or perhaps you're LDS and you don't support Trump. I'd like to hear your thoughts on how your faith plays a factor in that decision, if at all. Does the scripture above play a role, or are there other more important factors?

And if you're not LDS, but you resonate with any of the above, please share your thoughts. For myself, though I don't agree with all LDS teachings, the scripture above still resonates with me. I believe character is critical in making decisions of who to support in leadership positions.

What do you think? What role does/should character play in electing officials?

Please state your opinions respectfully. We're in a very polarized political climate right now, and I would like to promote a kinder, gentler environment for the exchange of ideas. 😊 So ... safe space. Please share. Thanks.

1 comment:

  1. Im LDS ann i dont support tramp. hes a stinky head
